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Thu December 31 - Thu April 15 Louisville, KY 40299 US Directions


Bourbon Belt Virtual Challenge

Open to ages 21 - 110.
$55 per person

Bourbon Belt Team Virtual Challenge

(4 Person Virtual Challenge) Price increases to $225.00 after December 31, 2020 at 11:59pm EST
Open to ages 21 - 130.


2719 Grassland Drive
Louisville, KY US 40299


Join us in running into 2021 with our Bourbon Belt Virtual Challenge. Go for the full route of 571 miles--approx 5 miles a day (ENDS ON APRIL 15)! 

We challenge you to run by bourbon distilleries across the state of Kentucky. Runners will log their mileage throughout the challenge on this website. All participants will receive a very special "Bourbon Belt" belt buckle. The overall male and female winners that accumulate the most mileage over the challenge will also receive a custom barrel top award. 

Want to get the band back together? Collect a team of 4 runners to for a special bundle price of $220 (only $55 per runner). Log your mileage together for the Bourbon Belt Virtual Challenge. Teammates will need to average 9 1/2 miles a week to complete the full route of 571 miles by the end of the challenge (April 15). 


Our virtual starting point begins at Kentucky Peerless in Louisville, KY. Once you've hit a milestone from distillery to distillery you'll receive a special pin from those distilleries. Click here for the route!

Milestones (Approximately)

  • Kentucky Peerless Distilling Co - 0 Miles :) starting point TOTAL 571 
  • New Riff Distillery - 113 Miles
  • Town Branch Distillery - 199.5 Miles
  • Bulleit Distilling Co - 243 Miles
  • Four Roses Distillery - 270.3 Miles
  • Wilderness Trail Distillery - 299.5 Miles
  • Green River Distilling Co - 459.5 Miles
  • Old Forester Distilling Co - 570.5 Miles 



Join the Bourbon Belt Facebook Group!

Cheers to running! Share your mileage along the way for the Virtual Bourbon Belt challenge with friends and your competition here

Partnered Distilleries

Race Contact Info

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